Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Kale Chips and Radish Salad

This was my Mothers Day meal. Yes, I cooked it myself, thank you very much but since I had to cook, I took the opportunity to use up some more produce. The kale chips are and old standby. My older son and I love them. It's a good way to use some some greens in a different way. I tear into but size pieces, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, then bake for 15-20 minutes at 400 degrees. Check half way and then frequenly and stir to prevent burning. I did forget my number one rule about greens (greens cool down!) so I ended up with leftover kale. I froze the whole leaves on a cookie sheet and then placed in a Baggie. I'll be able to use this kale either in smoothies or in soups in the  future. The radish salad was inspired by one I saw in The Kind Diet. Just flipping through it jumped out at me because radishes are just something that is hard to use up!  In this salad, I could use several all at once!  I made some Isreali Couscous and cooled. Added the sliced radishes, parsley, and green onions. Made a simple lemon vinegrette and combined. Turned out pretty well and leftovers were just as delicious the next day!

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