Friday, May 8, 2015

Roasting Radishes - what??

I have heard of roasting radishes before, I just never tried it. That's a little surprising because roasting vegetables is one of the easiest, er, tastiest ways to prepare veggies. But radishes?  Not so sure. Radishes are a tough vegetable to use. You get a whole bunch, you use a few in a salad, you get more the next week, now what?  My CSA actually sent a link about roasting radishes and here I was, the night before my next share's pickup with a whole bunch of radishes to use up. So, I tried it. And, it wasn't too bad!  I ate all of mine and my kids at one each. My husband was honest. He ate a few but left most of his plate. Oh well. Easy to make though. I cut them in half, drizzled olive oil, salt and pepper, and baked at 400 for 12 minutes. It did go well with my bok choy stir fry. I may make it again if needed, but should try some other things first!

1 comment:

  1. I pickled some radishes last year, which was kind of fun. Haven't tried roasting them yet. Luckily Patrick will happily eat them raw which is a huge help!
